Monday 19 September 2016



  1. To protect the eyes. Safety goggles. 
  2.  For measuring temperature. Thermometer.
  3. For cleaning the inside of a test tube.wire brush.
  4. For measuring mass. Watch glass.
  5. For removing and holding a hot beaker. Tongs.
  6. To protect the bottom of a beaker or flask from the flame; to support a beaker or flask on a ring clamp. Wire gauze.  
  7. For holding a flask, a beaker, or a test tube o a ring stand. Iron ring.
  8. For holding an individual test tube. Test tube holder. 
  9. For holding one or more test tubes. Test tube rack. 
  10. For measuring and pouring liquids; not for heating or mixing substances. Erlenmeyer flask. 
  11. For measuring and pouring liquid; for heating or mixing substances. Beaker.
  12. To aid in pouring a liquid from a wide mouth container to a small-mouth container; to filter substances when the filter paper is used: Funnel.
  13. For heating a small amount of substance: Test tube.
  14. For measuring length or distance: Measuring tape.
  15. For transferring a small amount (drops) of liquid: Dropper, Micropipets.
  16. For plucking or handling small objects: Forceps. 
  17. To mix or stir substances; made of glass to resist heat, stains, corrosion: gas bottle or baker.
  18. For heating, sterilisation, and combustion: Bunsen burner.
  19. For stirring: Spatula. 
  20. For pulling liquid into a pipette: Micropipets. 
  21. For holding solids while being weighed, or as a cover for beaker. Spatula.
  22. For making up solutions to a known volume: Gas bottle.

1. Holding 1000mL of water:  Graduated cylinder. 

2. Measuring 27ml of Liquid: beaker. 
3. Measuring exactly 43mL of an acid. Dropper.
4. Massing out 120g of sodium chloride. Buret.
Explain what do they mean and put two examples  of each label. 

EXPLOSIVE: Substances that made explode under definite conditions. Avoid shock, friction, sparks and heat.

HARMUL: Substances that when taken up by the body cause slight damage. Avoid contact with the human body, including inhalation of the vapours. 

Resultat d'imatges de toxic
TOXIC: Substances that very hazardous to health when breathed, swallowed or in contact with the skin and may even lead to death. 
Resultat d'imatges de corrosive

CORROSIVE: Substances that can destroy living tissue as well as equipment. Do not breathe vapours and avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. 

Resultat d'imatges de irritant
IRRITANT: Symbol that designates substances that may have and irritant effects on skin, eyes and respiratory organs. Do not breathe vapours and avoid contact with skin and eyes. 

Resultat d'imatges de highly flammable
HIGHLY FLAMMABLE: Spontaneously flammable substances. Avoid contact with air. Highly flammable gases and flammable liquids. Keep away from open fires, sources of heat and sparks. 
Resultat d'imatges de OXIDISING
OXIDISING: Substances that can ignite combustible material or worsen existing fires and thus make firefighting more difficult. Keep away from combustible material. 

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