Monday 21 November 2016



Understand the saponification reaction and produce soap.
·         600mL Beaker
·         Glass road
·         Goggles
·         Gloves
·         Clock glass
·         Spatula
·         Bunsen burner
·         NaOH
·         Water (always distilled)
·         Oil

We have made three experiments, that they are differenced in the quantities of oil and distilled water.

First experiment

MATERIAL: 500 mL of oil, 183 g of distilled water, 63 g NaOH, 35 mL of an essence, spatula and an Erlenmeyer.


  1. Firstly, we have to weight out the necessary quantity of NaOH and then, we dissolve it with the distilled water.
  2. Secondly, we add it in an Erlenmeyer and we mixed with oil.
  3. Finally, we add the essence (it can be any essence).

Second experiment

MATERIAL: 50 mL of oil, 20 g NaOH, 80 g of distilled water.

  1.     We make dissolution from NaOH and water. 
  2.     From this mixture we only take 50 mL.
  3.     Then we add the oil and we mix it. 
  4.     Finally, we have to heat it. We can also add an essence.

Third experiment

MATERIAL:  20 g NaOH, 80 g distilled water, 2mL of oil.

  1. We dissolve NaOH with distilled water.
  2. In a test tube we have put 2mL of that dissolution and 2mL of Oil.
  3. We have made two test tubes like this.
  4. We can add an essence.
  5. We hit it in a “Baño María” (Water Bath).

  • What is the soap?  Soaps are carboxylate salts with very long hydrocarbon chains.
  • Which is the reaction that we have done? Soap can be made from the base hydrolysis of a fat or an oil. This hydrolysis is called saponification.
  • Which capes we have produced? 2 layers. Above soap and the below layer is oil and glycerin that have’nt reacted yet.
  • Formulate the reaction of it.

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